I know its strange to write my first blog about a bike, but there's a lot going on and this is the most recent thing to happen since I created this blog.
I grew up on a farm, so my love for the outdoors has always been there. Then after living with my boyfriend in Colorado for two years I got an even greater appreciation for being active. He always had an interest in bikes and learned a lot about how they work. So for my birthday one year he put together a vintage beach cruiser for me and painted it seafoam green to my request :)
Moving back to Iowa admittedly sucked a little bit. A lack of green belt paths to bike on, and less people with an appreciation for being outdoors (being in a car doesn't count people!) made it a little less exciting to get out on my bike. But I went to an estate sale about a month ago and found an old 1970's Schwinn in an awesome yellow color... bell and all! I bought it for 40 bucks and brought it back to have my boyfriend fix up the breaks and clean the whole thing.
We took it out for the first time yesterday and the good news is I didn't hit any cars or do anything embarrassing (that anyone would notice). You should probably know that I've never ridden a bike with hand brakes, nor have I ever had to shift a moving object before. I get really nervous on a bike anyways... so I should have taken a shot of tequila before I got on this thing. My boyfriends advice when I asked him about shifting and how and when to do it.... too complicated to type. So then I got the response "oh, you'll figure it out". I'm still figuring it out. I was more worried about braking when there was a mini-van plowing down the street. Almost rolled off into a ditch, but I got it under control... no worries :) I think I might want to go back to my other bike already. Now if the weather would only cool down, I might actually be able to run errands on this thing!